(PT) Proposta de Mudança no Prazo de Ação Rescisória pelo STF – com comentário de Tiago Asfor Rocha
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It is appropriate to propose reflections on the impacts of the pandemic on the development of advocacy practice
Continuing in the series regarding the effects of COVID-19 on the markets, it is an activity that is not commercial, however, due to its essential character, as defined in the Federal Constitution, it is appropriate to propose reflections on the impacts of the pandemic on the development of the practice advocacy, in view of changes that were already being discussed, which had their implementation accelerated due to the current circumstances.
Until then, there was talk of the challenges for advocacy accentuated by technological innovations, demanding from these professionals that demands be met more quickly and less costly, organizing creative solutions with high impact, while new players invested in Research and Development instruments to reduce legal liabilities, creating a window of opportunity to increase the delivery of legal services, within ethical and professional limits, thus anticipating the changes deemed inevitable, in the medium and long term, for the practice of law.
Among the aspects that expressed this type of reflection were the home office in the offices and legal departments; progressive digitization of physical processes; fully remote work in the organs of the Judiciary; complete virtualization of procedural acts and communications (hearings, trial sessions, subpoenas, citations); oral supports recorded at a distance; Online Dispute Resolution; digitization and centralization in a single platform of public services.
Until December 2019, any exhibition initiated with the elements mentioned above would probably lead the recipient of the message to deduce that his interlocutor would be addressing the intersections between law and technology, with an emphasis on the prognoses and adaptations necessary for the transformations that would become hegemonic reality in the next years.
When it is stated that “COVID Effect” means entering a “new” digital world practically in real time, under penalty of the professional remaining unable to act or participate in a specific segment of services, there is an evident turning point in legal services . Without a shadow of a doubt, from the unfolding of COVID-19 the law will be practiced in different ways.
Changes expected in the near future were anticipated, requiring legal professionals to adapt in real time. Now, everything that was said about the consequences that Artificial Intelligence, the virtualization of the Courts and other innovations would bring about, particularly to repetitive tasks, is today the reality experienced because of the spread of the new coronavirus.
Each professional who works providing legal services, considering the particularities of their reality, has some notes to make about the effects of COVID-19. The watchword is therefore adaptation. This reality will require more knowledge, new skills, familiarity with new technologies, speed and assertiveness to improve client management, maintain relationships and define legal strategies aimed at new and complex problems.
By: Wilson Sales Belchior
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We took part in the "Law Firms Meeting 2023" event in the city of São Paulo and were awarded by Itaú in the Indemnity Vehicles category...