STJ will decide on setting succumbent fees for equitable appreciation in high value cases
The Special Court of the Superior Court of Justice (STJ), by majority, affected for judgment according to the rite of the repetitive REsp 1.877.883 / SP...
The Special Court of the Superior Court of Justice (STJ), by majority, affected for judgment according to the rite of the repetitive REsp 1.877.883 / SP...
In the decision, it was recognized that “no responsibility can be attributed to the applicant, who was as much a victim of the situation as the defendant.
A Terceira Turma Recursal do Tribunal de Justiça do Rio de Janeiro conheceu e deu provimento ao recurso inominado de uma companhia aérea, reformando, dessa maneira,...
According to the recent publication of the 2020 edition of the research “Arbitration in Numbers and Values”, The 2020 edition of the “Arbitration in Numbers and...
Process of admission of participants to the regulatory sandbox
In November 2020, the Brazilian Securities and Exchange Commission (CVM) announced the start of the process of admitting participants to the regulatory sandbox, whose main objective...
The most appropriate methods for conflict resolution provide benefits to all interested parties, as they are organized in a win-win approach that considers the specific needs...