(PT) Proposta de Mudança no Prazo de Ação Rescisória pelo STF – com comentário de Tiago Asfor Rocha
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Especially in times of pandemic, companies are increasingly looking for strategies and actions of their teams
The changes in the routine of many professionals and companies were large and sudden. This new reality raises different concerns, including mental health during the new coronavirus.
Although this topic is already understood as a relevant aspect in the work environment, little is actually done. Mental health in organizations is still seen as taboo. A survey by the British mental health institute Mind, reveals that 90% of people who were away from work due to stress, did not cite it as a reason for their absence.
However, the context of the pandemic can be decisive for a more effective and lasting change in this regard. After all, it became more evident the need for managers to be more attentive and draw up plans that would help them to maintain and protect the psychological health of their employees.
It was in this context that Rocha, Marinho E Sales Advogados – the most traditional firm in the Northeast and Midwest, with a focus on corporate law – carried out its first work with House Of Feelings (HOF) – consultancy specializing in assisting companies with feelings of your employees.
The training is part of the RMS Talks project, which brings employees together in large virtual meetings for conversations and lectures with relevant approaches, especially in this moment of crisis.
Named “Management of Emotions as a Competitive Advantage in the Future”, the training developed by HOF involved around 150 people from all over Brazil, who participated live in the integrative moment. After the meeting, the video was made available to all 900 employees of the office, along with the material covered during the conversation.
“Through a questionnaire, we found that dealing with emotions was one of the topics most requested by the team. We are always concerned with the emotional health of employees, but it was the first time that we organized something bigger to talk directly about emotions in such a difficult time for the world in general. The meeting with HOF exceeded all our expectations and, not by chance, we had a 96% favorability rate among the participants ”says Bárbara Rocha, Head of Knowledge and Innovation Management at the firm.
The consultancy specialized in feelings helps People Managers (HR’s) to develop a more welcoming and humane strategy. “To be emotionally intelligent, you need to recognize what you feel. As a result, decision making is more accurate, the organizational climate is lighter and the organization itself gains with higher levels of productivity ”explains Lisia Prado, one of the founders of House of Feelings and who conducted this work.
The meeting allowed each employee to feel comfortable and encouraged to talk about their feelings and emotions. “Lisia mentioned things that everyone was feeling, but they were not sure how to deal or react. At the same time that we addressed more serious issues, everything was conducted in a light, engaged manner, with videos, exchanges and good conversations. People felt really cared for, it was very positive for the whole team ”, adds the Head of Knowledge and Innovation Management.
Source: Portal Migalhas
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