(PT) Maranhão Court of Justice provides payment of procedural costs by credit card - RMS Advogados
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Maranhão Court of Justice provides payment of procedural costs by credit card


The Resolution stipulates R $ 800.00 as the minimum amount to be submitted to this form of payment referring to the court costs, limiting the installment payment to four installments.

Currently, reflection on how new technologies can impact the Judiciary has become relevant, with a view to institutionally improving justice systems, reducing the waiting time for a more appropriate solution, the costs associated with filing in court, the congestion of Courts, expenditure on human resources, together with new ways for the jurisdictional authorities to understand their rights, which certainly can enhance access to justice, with the application of online platforms and resources from Artificial Intelligence.

It is in this context that innovations need to be reported, such as, for example, the new system of payment of judicial debts (procedural costs and others resulting from the proceedings) implemented by the Maranhão State Court (TJ-MA) and regulated by the Resolution GP nº 41/2019, which at the time of issuing the Collection Guide, has been offering, since January 16, 2020, the option to “pay by credit card”, together with the possibility of payment in installments, which is intended to expand to cover the payment of agreements approved by the Conciliation Centers and any other types of payment in court. It should also be explained that this payment system was approved by the National Justice Department and submitted to the Council of Presidents of the Courts of Justice.

The Resolution stipulates R $ 800.00 while the minimum amount to be submitted to this form of payment referring to procedural costs, limiting the installment payment to four installments, so that the default of one installment will result in the early maturity of the others, making the debtor is responsible for the costs of this modality, such as interest and operating expenses eventually charged in the operation. For the amounts of court costs and fines due to the Special Judicial Refurbishment Fund (FERJ) and those already enrolled in State Active Debt, the installment payment will depend on the decision of the FERJ Director, limited to 06 installments, with a minimum value each corresponding to R $ 200.00.

The TJ-MA explained that the initiative is characterized as a factor that dejudicializes administrative processes and tax executives that involved the collection of debts related to procedural costs and expenses, which not only facilitates payment, but contributes to the reasonable duration of the process. process and the most appropriate solution of conflicts, modernizing, therefore, the judicial services.

Source: ClickJus

https://www.clickpb.com.br/blogs/click-jus/clickjus-tribunal-de-justica-do-maranhao-disponibiliza-pagamento-de-custas-processuais-com-cartao-de-credito-276037. html


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