(PT) Tribunal de justiça do amazonas anuncia novo mutirão de audiências de conciliação
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E-book developed about the changes that expanded the protections to the Law Firm's activity.
Law 14,365/2022, which amends the Lawyer’s Statute (Law 8,906/1994), brings changes to the Code of Civil Procedure and the Code of Criminal Procedure, including rules on fees, vacations, private activities, inspection, powers, operation of companies and member recruitment.
With that in mind, our partner Wilson Sales Belchior prepared a newsletter with the main changes. Wilson states that “the amendments make a direct contribution to corporate and associative ties in the law. And also: they clarify points that were reasons for conflicting interpretations.”
Access the e-book developed by clicking on the link below and stay on top of the changes that have expanded protections to class activity.
Click here: Newsletter – Changes in the Statute of Advocacy and OAB