(PT) Tribunal de justiça do amazonas anuncia novo mutirão de audiências de conciliação
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Concerned about the well-being of our team and adhering to the protocols suggested by the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Ministry of Health, we are finalizing efforts to avoid the concentration of people in view of the risk of spreading the coronavirus (COVID-19 ), without prejudice to the regular continuity of our usual activities.
To this end, we set up a crisis committee that assesses the effects of decisions taken daily, updates the final contingency plan and decides new measures to be implemented in this adversity scenario.
Among the actions that make up the plan, meetings and consultations are being prioritized through virtual means, as well as the reduction of the number of people in our offices, with the performance of remote work.
We emphasize that investments in technology and information security made over the last few years, and a group of specialists available 24 (twenty-four) hours, allow us to proceed, albeit remotely, with the same dedication and commitment in the provision of services. continuous service to our customers, without weakening the security of data and information entrusted to us.
During this period, all the current deadlines will be met and we will be available for contacts and questions through e-mail, WhatsApp and / or video calls, as we have ordinarily been.
We are still available by calling +55 (85) 3208.8700 and by institutional email relacionamentorms@rms.adv.br.
With these measures, we believe that we are adopting prudent and responsible attitudes. Our main concern is to prevent and guarantee the necessary tranquility for our customers, employees and partners.
In the interview, conducted by ii3 / Studio in collaboration with the International Legal Technology Association (ILTA), some peculiarities of the Brazilian judicial system were addressed, as well as the office’s concern with the physical and emotional well-being of our team.
Click here to watch.
In an interview with Jornal Hoje, RMS Advogados talks about how it adapted to continue serving its clients during the pandemic.
Want to watch? Click here.