(PT) Wilson Sales Belchior, sócio do RMS Advogados, é reconhecido por sua visão inovadora!
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How a 900 Staff Law Firm in Brazil Adjusts to COVID-19
Our lawyer and Head of Knowledge and Innovation Management, Bárbara Gondim da Rocha, spoke with Shy Alter from #LawFirmWeekly, about how the RMS adapted to the new scenario brought by Covid-19 and made it possible for its 900 employees to work fully in the home regime office.
In the interview, conducted by ii3 / Studio in collaboration with the International Legal Technology Association, some peculiarities of the Brazilian judicial system were addressed, as well as the office’s concern with the physical and emotional well-being of our team.
Are you interested and want to see this interview? Click on the link below, or access the ii3 / Studio channel on Youtube