STJ decides on fraud practiced on internet business intermediation platform
The Third Panel of the Superior Court of Justice unanimously dismissed Special Appeal 1,880,334 / SP, maintaining the judgment that denied the claim for compensation for...
PEC nº 39/2021 – Changes in special features
The Chamber of Deputies approved on 07/13/2022 the final text of the Proposed Amendment to the Constitution nº 39/2021 (“PEC of Relevance”). Presented on 11/08/2021 by the Federal Senate, the PEC is currently pending enactment. Check out the newsletter produced by partner Wilson Sales Belchior below:
Informativo PEC nº 39-2021 – mudanças nos recursos especiais –
The Third Panel of the Superior Court of Justice unanimously dismissed Special Appeal 1,880,334 / SP, maintaining the judgment that denied the claim for compensation for...
(PT) Tratados pela Justiça Federal da 5ª Região
The TRF-5 instituted the Personal Data Protection Policy covering any processing operation carried out by the states' Judicial Sections and by the Court itself. The objective...